Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved and Help Us Maintain Vital Family Supports

While EarlyEd receives some government funding via NDIS, this does not cover the full cost of running EarlyEd’s programs. As a not for profit organisation, EarlyEd relies heavily on support from the community to help fund vital additional services, not covered by NDIS. We need you to get involved. Without the generous support of our community, EarlyEd would struggle to continue to offer these services including:

  • Support for babies born with disability: The first year of life is the most critical in terms of a child’s development. With families facing waiting lists to receive an NDIS package, EarlyEd supports babies at this vital time with immediate early intervention.
  • Early support for families at the point of diagnosis: Families who have a formal diagnosis struggle to access immediate support until they receive their NDIS package. With long wait lists for NDIS and then to access services, supports like playgroups provide vital support for families when they are at their most vulnerable. We also support families to access early intervention who don’t quite fit the criteria for NDIS funding.


  • Supporting the Needs of the Whole Family: Supporting the health and wellbeing of the family as a whole helps to ensure the best outcomes for the child. However, NDIS packages focus on the needs of the child only, providing no support for families. EarlyEd delivers additional services to support the family as whole including counselling and crisis support.
  • Advocating for inclusion of children with disabilities in their community


Take a look at the range of ways you can get involved:

What's On

Keep up-to-date with the latest events, workshops, groups and programs delivered by EarlyEd, as well as the latest events from the early childhood intervention and disability sectors.


Contribute to the lives of disabled children and their families. Donate to EarlyEd today, leave a gift in your will, become a major donor or support EarlyEd via your workplace giving program.

Partner with Us

EarlyEd loves building relationships with local and national businesses.  We’d love to hear from any company who is considering linking with a not-for-profit to support their local community in Northern & Western Sydney.

Fundraise for Us

As a not for profit organisation, EarlyEd relies on support from the community to help fund additional services. Host a fundraising event at your school, workplace or in the community and help us to support the lives of families involved in our services.


Volunteers & Students

EarlyEd and families benefit greatly from the involvement of volunteers to deliver quality services. There is a role to suit whatever time and skill you have to offer. We also welcome students interested in gaining experience in the early childhood intervention sector.


EarlyEd is proud to employ qualified and committed staff who want to make a difference in the lives of the children and families that access our service. We are committed to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion in our workplace.

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